My K-Idol Poster
1. Yesung
I dedicated this poster for my endless bias Yesungie :D. I'll be waiting for your return to the shapire blue stage again sungiee kkk~
2. Lee Min Ho, EXO K Chanyeol, Park Shin Hye
Whenever i look at EXO K Chanyeol, he always reminds me to Lee Min Ho, he's like a younger brother of Minho >_<,, So, i made this poster while imagine Chanyeol as Lee Min Ho younger brother who fell in love to Minho best friend Shin Hye. In other side Minho and ShinHye fallin love each other, but they ignore they feeling because of they don't want to broke their friendship..

3. Bang Sung Joon, Park Shin Hye
I'm so in love with Sung Joon voice in Jaywalking (Flower Boyband OST). This poster created based on Jaywalking song. Just imagine when Sungjoon sing the song for he's girlfriend, Yay it's so romantic :")
4. Kyuhyun and Park Shin Hye
After read fanfiction about Kyuhyun and Park Shin Hye i immediately love this couple, they so cute. I wanna make FF about them too, but i'm really bad in writing -__- So i decide to just make the poster, this poster tells about they first meet in airport
5. Kyuhyun Shinhye couple again :)
Really Big Thanks to :
- Kim Jong Woon
- Park Shin Hye
- Lee Min Ho
- Park Chanyeol
- Cho Kyuhyun
- Bang Sung Joon
- All who have that font, brush, background picture, clipart, style, .....
*please take out with full credit
Sorry, kalau boleh tau, baca ff kyu-shin yg judulnya apa yaa ? Aku juga suka banget soalnya sama mereka hehehe :D oh iyaa, itu posternya bagus loh min (y)
ReplyDeleteThank yoou :")
DeleteAku baca FF kyuhye series di, lucu ceritanya, sayang sekarang authornya udah jarang update :(
oh yang itu, aku udah pernah baca min :D
Deleteselain itu apa lagi min ? hehehe :D
Blue heart series -->
DeleteHallyu Love series -->
eh, jangan jangan kamu udah baca juga ff yang aku sebutin diatas kkkk~
Kasih tau juga ya kalau ada baca ff kyushin yang bagus :D
Waaah, akuu udah baca semua miin, hehehe : D
DeleteSama miin, aku jugaa baru itu ajaa, punya fb ga min? Biar bisa saling ngasih tau kalo ada ff kyushin, hehehe : D
gara2 baca KyuHye di, jadi seneng bgt ama 1 couple ini... ternyata banyak loh ff tentang couple ini salah 1 nya ada di FB Fans Super Junior dan Park shin hye ini jg lumayan banyak FF mereka..
ReplyDeleteNote : mian cuma bagi info untuk yang suka Yongshin Couple kunjungin blog ini all ff Yongshin Couple
knp cuma Yesung yang sendirian? couple sma Shin Hye, boleh ya???
ReplyDeleteKkkk~ iya juga kasian yesungie sendirian, oke deh ntar aku buatin juga poster sungie sm shinhye :)